Friday, November 22, 2013

Bell's Two Hearted Ale Beer Review #IPA #craftbeer

Bell’s Two Hearted Ale is an American IPA brewed in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  This IPA weighs in with a 7% ABV and has about 55 IBU’s.  I have always wanted to try this beer and I finally got it in a mix and match six pack.  Here goes nothing!

Appearance-  With a nice aggressive pour a 1.5 finger of tiny bubbled head forms.  This beer is a beautiful like rusty orange color.  This brew is not totally transparent there is a little bit of floaties going on but that is ok.  Totally see through though.

Smell-  Right off the nose I get a nice citrus orange scent followed by a nice floralness to the hops.  BIG pineapple on the second smell.  Really, I get a nice sweet caramel to the malt.  The smell seems incredibly balanced and I hope the taste follows suit.

Taste-   Wow nice floral hops with HUGE citrus notes.  Literally the first sip made my mouth begging for more like I immediately salivated.  Second sip I get big big big notes of pineapple with even I bit of mandarin orange.  I get just the tiniest hint of caramel malt in this beer but the hops by no means are over bitter.

Mouthfeel- This brew leaves a nice coating in your mouth so I would say it has a light to medium Mouthfeel.  This beer is dangerously drinkable for a 7% ABV this beer goes down like it’s a 4%.  Very drinkable especially on a hot day.

Overall, this is a fantastic style of the American IPA.  I would give this to any craft beer drinker and this could be a huge bridge beer for a non-craft drinker to the craft scene.  This is the first time I have has this beer and it did not disappoint whatsoever I will definitely buy this beer again.  CHEERS!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Midas Touch Craft Beer Review #craftbeer #ancientale

Midas Touch is brewed by Dogfish Head brewing Company and is part of their ancient ale series.  Dogfish Head is located in Milton, Delaware.  This beer weighs in with a pretty high ABV of 9.0% with about 12 IBU’s.  I have wanted to try this ancient ale beer for quite a while now and I finally saw it on sale so I snatched one up. 

Appearance- With a heavy pour only about a .5 finger of white foam holds.  It is a yellow orange color with a bit of haziness to it.  There is medium to low carbonation.  Decent lacing does occur even though it has such a low head.

Smell- There is kind of a rancid smell to this brew.  I get like that kind of pea soup smell to it with a tiny bit of the grapes that they mention on the bottle.  There is a sort of spiciness to it that I really cannot pick out but it is definitely not appealing to me.

Taste- The taste is much better than the smell.  I get a nice malty almost honey like sweetness on the front of the tongue.  The aftertaste is kind of strange like a wet cardboard almost but I don’t mind it at all.  The more it warms up the better I like it.  I taste like a nice honey malt taste to it with a hint of white grapes it is kind of appeasing.

Mouthfeel- It is a medium bodied beer with a nice dry after taste.  I really enjoy the dryness to the beer it makes you want to go back for another sip.  This is not a sessionable beer with the 9% ABV but the alcohol is not present at all.

Overall, I actually enjoy this quite a bit.  The smell really lowers my rating because it does not smell anything like it tastes.  I do think the taste is quite complex and not for a beginner.  I never would have expected to like this but I actually do.  CHEERS!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Beer Review #paleale #beerreivew

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is brewed by Sierra Nevada Brewing Company in Chico, California.  This beer weighs in at 5.6% ABV with 37 IBU’s.  Almost every craft beer drinker has tried this beer and it never ceases to amaze me.  I am excited to finally review it. 

Appearance- Beautiful light amber brown color with about a 1.5 finger of white tiny bubbled foam.  Medium high amounts of carbonation and fully transparent even due to the darkness.  This beer has incredible head retention the entire way down the class.

Smell- I get a nice bit of floral hops with just a bit of pine.  However, I do really get a nice bready and malty characteristics to this beer as well.  A nice floralness is definitely present for sure that is honestly really appetizing for a pale ale.

Taste- Well, that’s a pretty damn good pale ale.  It has that nice floral and malty characteristics that complement each other very nicely.  There is a great hop bitterness on the end as well, which is nice for a pale ale it really is hoppier than a normal one.

Mouthfeel-  This brew has a light to medium body.  This to me is the definition of a sessionable craft beer.  Nice full body but light enough to drink all day long.  Honestly this is my tailgating beer that really gets my friends into craft beer.

Overall, I really think this is one of the best pale ales I have had even though it is so widely known and distributed.  The hoppiness is fantastic being just below an IPA.  I recommend this to any craft drinker and also as a bridge beer to new craft drinkers.  CHEERS!