Monday, March 17, 2014

Brooklyn Brewing Dry Irish Stout #craftbeer #stpattysday

Brooklyn Dry Irish Stout is a Dry Irish Stout brewed in Brooklyn, New York.  This beer is highly sessionable at 4.7% ABV and has 26 IBU’s.  I have never had this brew but I am glad to break it out on St. Patrick’s Day.

Appearance- with a pretty aggressive pour only about 1 finger of head formed on the top of this beer but it did leave nice lacing.  This beer is really as black as it gets with zero visibility through it.  It does have medium amounts of carbonation clinging to the sides.

Smell-  Wow talk about roasted malt and coffee in a beer.  It honestly smells dry from all the roasted malt and the bitterness from all the grain used in this beer.  There is just the tiniest bit of bitter sweet chocolate right on the finish of the aroma.

Taste-  Not much at all on the taste.  I cannot believe how little there is on the taste.  I get very tiny amounts of roasted malt with a bit of a coffee finish.  There is just a tiny bit of bitterness on the back of the tongue but wow there is like nothing going on in this brew.

Mouthfeel-  This beer was crafted to be a highly sessionable beer for this day really.  At 4.7%ABV you could drink this for a week without being drunk but that is the point on St. Patrick’s Day to show up your friends in a drinking contest.

Overall, it is a Dry Irish Stout and it is not bad just not a lot of flavor like the rest of them.  I would buy it again just so I don’t fall into the trap of Guinness on St. Patrick’s Day but I would not buy it any other time throughout the year.  3/5. CHEERS!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Founders Porter Beer Review #craftbeer #porter

Founders Porter (Dark & Rich & Sexy) is brewed by Founders Brewing Company in Michigan, United States.  This beer is classified as an American Porter that weighs in at 6.5% ABV with about 45 IBU’s.  I have been looking forward to trying something from Founders for a long time now.  I can NOT wait to try this porter out.

Appearance-  With an aggressive pour only about a .5 finger head of dark khaki brown head formed.  It is surprising how dark the head is due to the fact that it is a porter rather than a stout.  Almost totally black except for a dark ruby color on the edges.  There is zero transparency and great lacing the whole way down.

Smell-  Well, obviously I get a lot of deeply roasted malt.  I really smell like a lot of dark chocolate sweetness as well.  To be honest, for only 45 IBU’s I get a strong amount of hop presence.  For a just a regular porter I seriously get way more hops than I expected.

Taste- Now that is a GREAT porter.  Huge dark chocolate sweetness right on the front of the tongue.  Then it is followed by a nice dry bitter finish on the back of the tongue.  I may even get just a hint of caramel with the beautiful roasted nearly burnt malt that is obvious.

Mouthfeel- I would say this beer has a medium/heavy Mouthfeel.  It has mildly high carbonation is visible on the glass.  Not really a session beer but I would definitely be able to drink a 22 ounce of this in a night without a doubt.

Overall, best porter I have had thus far.  It has what I expect; nice roasted malt, a bit of hops, and a dark cocoa sweetness.  I would recommend this to any craft drinker!  I would definitely pick up another 6 pack of this beer for sure. CHEERS!  

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Stoudt's Oktober Fest Beer Review #craftbeer #beermail

Stoudt’s Oktober Fest beer is brewed in Adamstown, Pennsylvania.  This beer weighs in at 5% ABV with an unlisted amount of IBU’s.  I got this beer from Mark Pyle who is a member of the Erie Better Beer Bureau and I cannot wait to try this brew.  Thanks Mark!

Appearance-  With an aggressive pour 3.5 fingers of tiny bubbled head formed on this beer.  Very little head retention.  This beer is totally see through and is a nice light amber color.  This beer is highly carbonated the bubbles just lay on the glass.

Smell-  Well, I do not get a whole lot off the aroma.  I get a slight breadiness with a malt sweetness on the back of the nose.  I actually smell a little bit of hop presence on the nose.  Really, not a whole lot on the nose.

Taste-  It is interesting.  I get a tiny bit of toasted malt with very little sweetness on the back end.  Very little taste on this beer other than a hint of biscuit and bread on the finish.  The grains are all that is detectable really.

Mouthfeel-  This is the wateriest beer I have ever had especially for an Oktoberfest beer.  This beer is highly sessionable and incredibly easy drinking.  The low ABV makes this a huge sessionable beer.  Really though way to light on the mouthfeel.

Overall, I do not really enjoy this beer.  It is very watery and does not have a whole lot of taste.  The only thing it has going for it is high drinkability and could be a transition beer for BMC fans.  I will never seek out this beer again.  CHEERS!