Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Review #beer #review #pbr

So here it is good old fashion Pabst Blue Ribbon. So many people say it’s the best cheap beer out there, yet it has a horrible reputation even amongst college kids. Why the major dispute on this beer? I do not know, but I am about to find out. Enjoy!

Appearance- Literally, this is the definition of straw colored beer. PBR is highly carbonated with large carbonation bubbles sprinting to the head of the beer. This leads to my next point, the head. There was a one half finger head of foam that lasted merely seconds. I see zero lacing on the glass.

Smell- I get nothing but a grainy skunky smell off the first sniff. When diving deeper into it, I get a strong smell of grass as well as a crisp bite right in the nose. I assumed a much higher corn smell but it is only quite faint.

Taste- I really taste solely malt off of the first drink of PBR. It is really sweet right on the back end of the palate. With my second gulp I receive a hearty amount of rice and earthiness followed by a remaining malt presence. 

Mouthfeel- Light to medium body. It goes down very smooth but it does have a little more to it than most adjunct lagers. That being said, I think it has a high drink-ability in copious amounts.

Overall, NOT worth the hype. I guess maybe maybe better than like Miller and Coors but not by much. I think the overwhelming malt is a bad thing, but in this case at least it does have some flavor compared to other adjunct American lagers. Actually, I would only recommend it to get drunk off of, it is cheap and “high” in alcohol content compared to other beers of its sort. CHEERS!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Keystone Light Beer Review #beer #review

Keystone light is possibly the college kids dream beer.  Incredibly cheap and as Keith Stone says, “It always goes down smooth.”  My question is, is it to smooth aka does it taste like water?  So here it goes!

Appearance- Absolutely see through, with perfect snow colored head that is about one finger in height that immediately went down.  Very high carbonation with a straw yellow color to it.  It is super light and has many bubbles that causes a skin of head that lasts on top.

Smell- First smell is nearly almost rice and grain centered.  There is a very high concentration of corn with a malt ending.  Finally Keystone light has a grass scent to it with a crisp finish to the nose.

Taste- Very little taste on the initial palate followed almost solely by grain and corn.  The corn is almost overpowering.  After taste is highly mild and quite nasty.

Mouthfeel- As close to water as it can get.  I really cannot describe it further, as soon as it hits the mouth it is water.  It is really useless.

Overall- It is what I expected.  But with that being said I do like it better than bud light.  It at least, even though grass, has taste to it.  Very corn flavored though. CHEERS!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blue Moon Belgian White Beer Review #witbier #beer #review

So just want to start that I did not put any orange in this beer because I did not want to go away from the beer's natural flavor.  I am excited to review this brew especially because so many regular beer drinkers enjoy it!

Appearance- Somewhat see through with about a one finger head.  There is a little carbonation but not as overwhelming as I would have thought.  This is a golden orange color brew with zero to little lacing.

Smell- I smell a decent amount of malt from the get go with a definite hint of orange zest following.  To be honest it almost has a spoiled orange smell to it, like it is past its prime.  I actually pick up some pineapple too but I know that is not prevalent in this beer.

Taste- I get a copious amount of adjunct malt right on the tip of my palate.  There is only but a hint of orange of the initial sip.  With the second gulp, I get a lot more of the orange but still it tastes so fake, I see why they tell you to put a real one into the beer itself.

Mouthfeel- Medium to light bodied with very high drinkability.  It goes down incredibly smooth and you could easily drink a lot of them.  It is however kind of watery at the same time for a whit bier blue moon is definitely on the lower side of mouthfeel.

Overall, it’s okay.  I am impressed it is from Coors, but needless to say I can tell it is from Coors.  I bet this is much better with the orange, but I wanted to review the beer itself.  This beer really just has a fake taste to it which I did not enjoy too much.  I would recommend this to anyone who is not a craft beer drinker and wants to broaden their horizons.  CHEERS!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Molson Golden Beer Review #Beer #review

Initially, I was a fan of Molson brews.  They were one of my bridge beers that got me into exploring the ever expanding craft beer industry.  (I know it is not a craft beer)  However, I have not had this beer since I was young with my Dad and I cannot wait to review it.

Appearance- Totally see through with many carbonation bubbles.  It has color that has a light yellow/straw or even "Golden" hue to it.  With a fierce poor a two fingered pure white head was present and lasted about two minutes before disappearing into a thin skin of foam on the surface.  As I finished it lacing does say on the glass just a bit.

Smell- With the initial whiff, I really only smell corn and rice.  With the second smell, I really detect a sweet grain to this beer.  Really, I was expecting a bit better smell; clearly there was not any adventure in brewing this mass marketed beer.

Taste- With the first hit of the palate I am getting an overwhelming corn and grain taste.  It leaves a skunky aftertaste as well even with the first gulp.  With the second taste, I gather even more corn; you can really make out the natural sweetness of corn in this brew.

Mouthfeel- Molson Golden mouthfeel is definitely better than other mass marketed beers.  Without a doubt it is not "as" watery as others.  For being so light in color, the body of this beer is heavier than I presumed but still very very light.

Overall- Disappointed.  I was not expecting a whole lot however the earthiness of the beer dominated its entire presence.  This is the definition of a chugging beer, because you do NOT want to just sip on it.  I would recommend this as a lawn mower beer or when you invite your buddies over for the big game.  This is not a one of a kind brew.  CHEERS!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lagunitas IPA Beer Review #craftbeer #IPA

Time to review the ever so famous, Lagunitas IPA.  I am very excited to try this beer mainly because of the debates surrounding it whether it is a great IPA or “crap”.  So here it goes I cannot wait to try it!

Appearance- Right into the pour, a nice one and a half finger of head forms that is slowly going down with mild lacing on the glass.  The beer has a solid amber orange sight to it.  It is fairly transparent with lots of carbonation bubbles shooting up the glass.

Smell- Very floral right from the initial smell.  Just adding to the floral aroma a slight earthiness and pine are ever so present in this brew.  Finally, I am picking up a major sweetness to the scent of this beer definitely some malt in it.

Taste- Great, with the first gulp a get a fantastic dry hops taste on the back of my tongue that lingers for a few seconds.  Let’s take a second taste, Great floral and piney hints smack you right in the mouth although it is milder than I thought.  I don't taste as much malt or sweetness in this beer though and the scent definitely says otherwise.

Mouthfeel- This is a well bodied beer.  It is most certainly a medium body and not so watery as some IPA's I have had.  This is a solid American IPA in this category that’s for sure.  The carbonation has really slowed down though so it is not quite as smooth as the initial sip.

Overall, solid beer.  I would recommend it to anyone who likes craft beer.  It is not the best IPA ever, but it really does the job.  So following up on how I feel about this beer and continuing to the everlasting debate; I like it and I would definitely buy it again.  But, I'll have to have a second one to make sure! CHEERS!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hofbrau Hefe Weizen Beer Review #craftbeer

I have to admit this is only the second Hefe Weizen I have had so bare with me.  Of course I poured this beer the correct way with the bottle upside down and swirling 1/3 of the bottle to get any yeast off the bottom.

Appearance-  This beer is a creamy orange nectarine color that you can not see through.  The head is about three fingers after the initial pour but goes down quickly.  You can witness the cloudiness of the beer once held up to a light and can really appreciate the amount of yeastiness present just from the sight.

Smell- The smell is very unique.  It has a strong apricot smell to it.  With a swirl of the glass a strong artificial banana smell comes out.  I do smell somewhat of a fake tanginess to the beer but the yeast smell is quite present and and apparent. 

Taste- Wow the number one thing I taste right from the get go is a fruity pungent taste.  I taste a lot of apricot, however the banana I smelt I cannot really taste.  With the second taste and a little bit more concentrated sense, I can taste much of the yeast in the beer and it is quite good actually.

Mouthfeel- The mouthfeel is pretty decent.  It has somewhat of a watery consistency, however it has a certain bit of body that can be detected.  It is definitely filling but much more watery than I presumed .

Overall, this beer is quite good.  I would say that it is a beginners German beer.  I would recommend it to any American who has not dived deep within the German Hefe Weizen scene yet.  This is only my third review ever let me know how I did! CHEERS!

Dos Equis Beer Review #beer

Today, I am reviewing the “Most Interesting Man in the World’s” favorite beer…Dos Equis.  For all you non-Spanish speaking people out there, including me, Dos Equis literally means two x’s in Spanish.  After all the advertising on TV I am thoroughly hoping for a little more than the typical American Adjunct Lager. 
Appearance- Dos Equis is literally perfectly transparent.  It has a straw color to it with a decent amount of carbonation.  With an aggressive pour into a American Adjunct Lager glass a 1.5 finger head appears and disappears within about thirty seconds and there is not any lacing on the glass

Smell- With my first few sniffs of this beer I can strongly detect a lot of rice in the making of this beer.  After I get passed all of the grainy/rice smell, I really can detect a certain sweetness almost like a natural sugar smell.

Taste- Well, not much of anything.  I hate to compare my beer to others, but it tastes like a Budweiser or a regular American Adjunct Lager.  I expected something a bit different from a Mexican beer.   It is overwhelming amounts of rice right off the tongue, with a sweet aftertaste.  The aftertaste actually makes it worse I think which is usually not the case for me.  Finally, I do  sense a bit of skunkiness, probably because of the green bottle.

Mouthfeel-  Very very light.  Without the taste, I would say it is as close to water as it gets without being a light beer.  Highly disappointed for this "specialty lager"

Overall- Really, after all of the fantastic advertising and cost of this beer I would have expected it to be a bit better.  I really could not tell it apart from a regular macro brew.  I would not recommend this to anyone, ever.  CHEERS!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Dundee Honey Brown #craftbeer

Before I begin I must make the remark that this beer holds a special place in my heart.  This is and always was my mom's favorite beer! So onto the review, I poured this beer into a pint glass so lets begin with this Honey Brown Lager.

Appearance- This beer is a mild brown color.  There is just a hint of red in Honey Brown.  As I poured this there was a beautiful off white creamy head of about two fingers in height.  Much to my dismay though in about one minute the head fully went away to a little thin lace on my glass.

Smell- With my first large whiff I detect very little actually.  I can tell this has a hint of honey but not quite as powerful as I would have expected.  It has a slight sweet scent to it, but more of just a malt and grainy smell.  There is also a slight grassy and Earthy smell to this beer.

Taste-  All I really taste is roasted malt.  It has only a sense of sweetness only in the fact that it goes down smooth.  I do taste a little bit of the grassiness in the beer and really a very faint taste of honey.  If it was not in the name I would not even recognize it at all.

Mouthfeel- It has a medium mouthfeel to me for a lager.  It is a little heavier than I expected.  I am actually impressed with the mouth swirl of this beer.  This is honestly the best part of this beer.  The mouthfeel is heavier and darker in nature than a typical adjunct lager would be but I definitely enjoy this part.

Overall- This beer is decent.  Even with the nostalgia in my heart (and Palate) it is not as good as I remember.  However, I have offered this beer to many a women and they really like it which is good for all you craft drinking men out there.  I would only recommend this to people experimenting in beers so they can acquire a taste for something a bit more than the typical American adjunct lager.

Yuengling Lager Beer Review #craftbeer

Yuengling is one of my favorite cheap lets drink kind of beers that is brewed locally in PA.  I poured this beer out of the can into a pint glass.  However on the can it said that it is America's oldest brewery and I am very excited to review it.

Appearance- This beer is a light amber brown color that is definitely see through.  The head of this beer had a one finger height but dissipated very quickly.  I actually thought this beer was more of an amber color but it is very light brown.

Smell-  This beer has a nice roasted hops smell with a bit of a grain scent to it.  There is a faint clean smell to it with just a little crisp sense to it.  I do smell a little bit of corn which I did expect from this lager.

Taste- This beer goes down incredibly smooth.  The after taste is the best part of this beer even as an american lager.  I can taste the grains and corn very distinctly.  With each swallow there is just a bit of spiciness and bite to it.  It is not over powering whatsoever, however it does have its fair share of flavors.

Mouthfeel- This beer is very watery in the mouth.  It does however leave a little bit of a "coating" presence which is really unique and impressive from this micro,macro brew.  Yuengling is not so watery as a regular adjunct lager but its not as heavy as anything darker.

Overall, as I stated previously I do thoroughly enjoy this beer when having some with my friends.  It is certainly not one of  the best beers I have had, rather it is my go to drink a lot and have a good night beer.  I personally know many people who are not into craft beer who really enjoy this beer.  I highly recommend it to anyone. CHEERS!

Straub IPL Beer Review #craftbeer

Today, I am tasting Straub's brand new IPL it is a combination of an IPA and a Lager.  I recently toured the brewery in St. Mary's PA and they explained that it is an IPL because they do not have the proper equipment to brew IPA's so they brewed their regular lager with all the ingredients of an IPA.  Without further a due, Straub IPL.

Appearance- Of course I poured this brew a little aggressively so I can see the full effect of its head.  I poured this beer into a specialty IPA glass, even though it says to use a pilsner glass.  Straub IPL had a nice 1.5 finger head with almost a pure white head.  Although after about 5 minutes the head dissipated to a thin white layer on the top of the brew.  Now to color, the color is a deep straw like color.  Much deeper than a typical IPA.  Actually, the more I look at it,  the more of a orangish amber color I witness.

Smell- Okay, so upfront you can definitely tell that there is a roasted malt scent to this beer.  Then after a little more sniffing, I can definitely smell a piney and crisp scent.  I am looking for a tropical and citrus scent, and just barely barely get a hint of orange.  Now on to the best part...TASTING!

Taste-  Wow this is different than anything I have had before!  Upfront there is a strong hit of dry hops right on the back of your tongue.  Also, with this first taste you  get an after taste of bitterness (which is good) in the back of your mouth for about 15 seconds.  With my second taste I am searching for citrus and I can only find it in the after taste.  However I do still taste a roasted hops taste to this beer.  Really I am surprised with Straub IPL.

Mouthfeel- This definitely has a heavier, not so watery, beer feel in the mouth.  After a swish in the mouth you can see it is brewed as a lager with IPA ingredients.  Its honestly so different I have nothing to compare it to, but to my knowledge, I really enjoy the depth in the beer.

Overall-  I thoroughly enjoy this beer.  I really was not expecting ANYTHING out of this beer because of the previous Straub beers that I have consumed.  This beer will definitely put Straub's brewery on the map of craft beers.  I am proud of their pioneering spirit of trying this they are one of two that I could find to even embark on this journey of experimentation.   Really, I did enjoy this beer and recommend it to anyone wanting to try something new on the market of beer.  It only came out 5 weeks ago!!

By the way, this is my second beer review please let me know how I am doing or what I can change...CHEERS!

Mississippi Mud Beer Review

First of all, I would like to note that on the case that I bought, it says to serve at room temperature, hence I am doing so.  I poured the Mississippi Mud into a common "Guinness" Porter glass, even though this is a Black and Tan beer.  I am a high advocate of the proper beer glass, for the beer.

Appearance- It is a deep deep amber red color.  It is not quite as dark as I expected, however it is a black and tan beer.  It is however a see through beer with little to no carbonation bubbles.  The head is just an off white brown with dissipating pockets around the glass.  Very little lacing on the glass and I even poured aggressively.

Smell- With a simple swirl of the glass I get this nice beautiful smell of coffee and roasted malt.  Some people may not like this beer's smell but I really enjoy it.  With my second smell, I get this overwhelming roasted malt with a "cleany" adjunct kind of smell.  

Taste- My first sip...very very mild.  I was expecting a much more deep porter taste.  It really does taste as though it is a non carbonated pilsner with a little kick of porter with the after taste.  I taste a mild but consistence malt taste with a hint of coffee after the gulp is taken.  Taste so far, disappointed.

Mouthfeel-  What else can I say, watery.  For a black and tan, I expected a poor "molassesy"   feel or at least heavier than a typical pilsner.  It is very light in mouthfeel for a black and tan to say the least.

Overall- Overall, the only good thing that I do somewhat really enjoy is the smell and appearance of this beer.  The Taste and Mouthfeel really disappoint me.  The best part of this beer however is the growler that it came in.  Basically, it is a bad ass growler that will decorate my room.  Overall, I will give this beer a 2.75 I would recommend it only to someone who is new in the beer tasting world because it is a building block to be built upon.  

Finally, I would like to note this is my first beer review ever.  PLEASE let me know how I did and or, how I can improve...CHEERS!