Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dos Equis Beer Review #beer

Today, I am reviewing the “Most Interesting Man in the World’s” favorite beer…Dos Equis.  For all you non-Spanish speaking people out there, including me, Dos Equis literally means two x’s in Spanish.  After all the advertising on TV I am thoroughly hoping for a little more than the typical American Adjunct Lager. 
Appearance- Dos Equis is literally perfectly transparent.  It has a straw color to it with a decent amount of carbonation.  With an aggressive pour into a American Adjunct Lager glass a 1.5 finger head appears and disappears within about thirty seconds and there is not any lacing on the glass

Smell- With my first few sniffs of this beer I can strongly detect a lot of rice in the making of this beer.  After I get passed all of the grainy/rice smell, I really can detect a certain sweetness almost like a natural sugar smell.

Taste- Well, not much of anything.  I hate to compare my beer to others, but it tastes like a Budweiser or a regular American Adjunct Lager.  I expected something a bit different from a Mexican beer.   It is overwhelming amounts of rice right off the tongue, with a sweet aftertaste.  The aftertaste actually makes it worse I think which is usually not the case for me.  Finally, I do  sense a bit of skunkiness, probably because of the green bottle.

Mouthfeel-  Very very light.  Without the taste, I would say it is as close to water as it gets without being a light beer.  Highly disappointed for this "specialty lager"

Overall- Really, after all of the fantastic advertising and cost of this beer I would have expected it to be a bit better.  I really could not tell it apart from a regular macro brew.  I would not recommend this to anyone, ever.  CHEERS!

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