Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rolling Rock Beer Review #beer #extrapale #lager

Appearance- It is the stereotypical straw yellow color that an adjunct beer should have.  A decent head of foam formed that was about a finger and a half in height, yet it quickly disappeared.  There is a tiny bit of lacing on the glass.

Smell- Right away an over powering grain and corn shoots out of this beer.  There is also a very grassy and crisp element to it which actually is kind of more appealing than most beers of this category of beer.  I do smell the malt in this beer after digging deep into the scent.

Taste- There is a high corn concentration in this brew.  And quite honestly it has a sweet after taste to it, which is not too shabby.  If placed on the front of the tongue a little bit of hops can be detected but there is only trace amounts detected.  It definitely has the macro brewery taste to it.

Mouthfeel- Very similar to water.  It goes down incredibly smooth with little to no after bite.  This is definitely a session beer for an amateur beer drinker that does not like a lot of hops or IBU's

Overall, I would drink this beer again only if it was given to me for free (then again I would drink any free beer).  But I would recommend this to college kids and not really any adults who make decent money.  Rolling Rock just did not really impress me. They must have changed the monk’s recipe. CHEERS!

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