Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blue Moon Belgian White Beer Review #witbier #beer #review

So just want to start that I did not put any orange in this beer because I did not want to go away from the beer's natural flavor.  I am excited to review this brew especially because so many regular beer drinkers enjoy it!

Appearance- Somewhat see through with about a one finger head.  There is a little carbonation but not as overwhelming as I would have thought.  This is a golden orange color brew with zero to little lacing.

Smell- I smell a decent amount of malt from the get go with a definite hint of orange zest following.  To be honest it almost has a spoiled orange smell to it, like it is past its prime.  I actually pick up some pineapple too but I know that is not prevalent in this beer.

Taste- I get a copious amount of adjunct malt right on the tip of my palate.  There is only but a hint of orange of the initial sip.  With the second gulp, I get a lot more of the orange but still it tastes so fake, I see why they tell you to put a real one into the beer itself.

Mouthfeel- Medium to light bodied with very high drinkability.  It goes down incredibly smooth and you could easily drink a lot of them.  It is however kind of watery at the same time for a whit bier blue moon is definitely on the lower side of mouthfeel.

Overall, it’s okay.  I am impressed it is from Coors, but needless to say I can tell it is from Coors.  I bet this is much better with the orange, but I wanted to review the beer itself.  This beer really just has a fake taste to it which I did not enjoy too much.  I would recommend this to anyone who is not a craft beer drinker and wants to broaden their horizons.  CHEERS!

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